Dreams & Desires in 2025
As we near the two week mark on this bright, bold, brimming-with-hope New Year…
Have you gotten your home and personal spaces organized, and your body, mind, and spirit together to determine what dreams and desires you’ll focus on in the coming weeks and months?
Are you in the process of breaking bad, unproductive habits and welcoming in new healthy, happy-making, productive habits, patterns, rituals?
What goals have you set for yourself to make these dreams and desires reality this year, or in the not-too-distant future?
Have you considered the art of surrender and the role it plays in desire and dream fulfillment? (More on surrender below!)
For me, right now, it feels like some moments I’m all in and fully focused on health, work, discipline, action, movement, and then other moments I’m tired, unenergetic, and falling right back into the habits I despise but can’t seem to break (hello, social media 😵💫).
The self guided workshop below, which includes an audio of the meditation, could be a great starting and re-starting point for all of us to focus and re-focus on what we want to manifest in our worlds this year.
Wishing for you
My wish for you is one of abundance…that you receive all that you need, want, and desire this year.
As a collective, I wish for all of us to join together to energetically inspire, dare, pray that these dreams and desires make themselves manifest in the most beautiful outcome possible…for our benefit and wellbeing, and for the benefit and wellbeing of all.
Word of the Year
(along with a little encouragement to surrender!)
In years past, have you selected a word that will ground you, cause you to focus, and allow you to expand in the days and months ahead?
Choosing a single, positive, uplifting, focusing word is a wonderful way to center yourself in the raw potential and mass of possibilities each New Year holds, and will set a foundation for your dreams and desires to rest upon.
A recap of 2024
Annually I’ll pick a word, it will come to mind quite strongly in about November or December, and I’ll put together a little collage of images in a bullet journal, add a few lines around the theme…and then the word ebbs and flows throughout the next 10-12 months, until a new word moves in for the coming year.
Last year the word was F R E E D O M…and while I didn’t quite hit the mark for the full vision I held softly in mind…little bits and pieces of freedom did arrive in September and November…including a move out of an apartment building we found as a last resort when relocating from NC to FL, into a so-very-Florida-looking townhome community, with a most special treat: our friends live next door!
Reflecting on the move, I realized this new home was very close to the one I had placed thoughtfully, carefully into my daily manifestation meditation. The white kitchen. The expansiveness and space. The garage. A huge countertop to place fresh fruits and vegetables. A lake. A pool.
While it’s not exactly what my daily meditation vision holds for our permanent home, many of the small details are, in fact, here in this home.
And again, the reality of this home is made even sweeter because our friends live next door! (Which was not a detail placed in my daily manifestation meditation! But turned out to be a significant detail that leads to my and my daughter’s overall happiness at home! A detail that was a gift from above…!)
This is where the Christian saying, “Let go and let God,” and the yogic term for “surrender” (Ishvara Pranidhana), are one.
A Note on Surrender
We hold our dreams and desires so tightly that we tend to suffocate their ability to manifest for our highest good through our urges, fixations, need to control.
By holding our dreams and desires so tightly we cause them to fizzle out instead of giving them the freedom to become what God or our higher wisdom and power can create for us and with us.
Through a lack of focus, an abundance of fear, and a strong urge to control, our dreams and desires fall short…or they fail to manifest into anything at all.
With focus, surrender, and faith, all that we desire to occur for us, around us, in our near and distant futures has the ability to be made manifest…
And so, my 2025 word is…
While freedom still lingers in the ether, a whole lot of clarity is necessary in order to have the direction, the map, for where I want to go and who I want to be this year.
Clarity around what my work will look like, what offerings make the most sense.
Clarity in each day, beginning in the morning with focused meditation, walks, new growth-infused routines and rituals.
Clarity around family goals, destinations, travels.
What’s your word going to be and why?!
Self-Guided Workshop
Tools Needed (some or all):
journal, blank paper
pens, pencils, pastels, paints
washi tape
magazines, printed images
a quiet space for contemplation and working
Feel free to pause this 9 minute meditation after each question, or whenever it feels right, so you can make notes in your journal.
YOUR Dreams & Desires
Sitting quietly in a safe, still, peaceful place…one where your focus and attention is solely directed inward (not focused outward on your external environment).
Breathing. Slowly in, through your nose. Slowly out, through your nose.
Filling your lungs, your belly. Sending your life-giving breath into your limbs, organs…Filling your entire body with life, inspiration, delight, joy, peace, abundance.
When you feel ready, with your tools prepared…
Begin to allow your imagination to see colors that brighten you, your mind, your mood, your environment. Colors that lift your heart and spirit. Colors that cause your inner eyes to open…
Softly visualize where you are, what is surrounding you, the sounds you hear, scents, things nearby you can touch, hold, caress…
What do you see?
What do you hear?
What do you smell?
What can you touch?
What can you taste?
Who, what is around you?
How do you feel…emotionally…physically…
Allow any or all of the emotions to fill your entire self…hope…joy…passion…delight…desire…expansion…abundance…
And as you feel ready…breathe…and begin writing down as many details as you can…as quickly as possible and without judgement or editing.
Allow these details to begin to form your deeply seated desires…the dreams you desire to make manifest and attract into your life this year.
Find, in these details, a connection to your higher Self…one that will assist you in the surrender and meaning that will allow you to do your work each day, centered on the knowing that…
All is well now, today, tomorrow…
all is occurring as divine timing would have it,
in this moment and all the moments that follow.
Word of YOUR Year
As you’re settled in to this work…of writing down your core desires, the dreams that you are surrendering to God, the Universe for attraction and manifestation…
What word comes to mind that causes you to exclaim: Y E S! Yes! This feels right! This word focuses and guides my direction, my actions, my goals, and ambitions!
If you don’t feel that resounding attachment to a word, perhaps you notice a more soft, subtle whisper…a coaxing, tugging at your heart that says, this way, my darling…let me show you, let me hold your hand…this is where we will travel together. Leave the how to me and just breathe with this knowing…this word…this intention…
Final thoughts…
Another wish for you…that this practice of writing down the details of your dreams and desires, and selecting a word that will cause you to develop a greater focus on forward movement this year sits softly in your heart and gives you great peace and joy…each day of this sweet New Year!
As I move with and toward clarity this year, I look forward to sharing more writings with you, work that you will find useful and meaningful as you move toward fulfilling your dreams.
If I can be of assistance, with a personalized yoga and meditation class, a tarot looking session, or journaling prompts, please be in touch.
If there is someone you believe would benefit from this work here, please do share it!
Until next week…xoxo Michelle