I am Alive - Intention Series
Exploring your passions, obsessions, radiance...to spark yourself alive
I am alive
In this moment I breathe, so I am alive. My entire being radiates with the joy of life, the joy of living.
I am alive. I rejoice in the beauty that I see, hear, and feel in this very moment. With each heartbeat, I feel. To feel is to be alive.
Inside this Edition of the Intention Series…i am alive
Contemplating Being Alive - Considering what it means to feel alive
Listing Your Non-Negotiables - What do you need in your life to feel alive?
Tools for Experiencing Living - Working with The Sun and Lemon Essential Oil
Meditation - (4 minute audio) Creating in your mind’s eye an image of blissful radiance, the sensation of feeling alive at your core…”I am alive!”
Journaling Prompts - Four prompts and one activity to help cultivate your ability to feel alive
A Contemplation on Being Alive
To live fully…this is what God asks of us. To make no waste of this life we were given.
We were given life for very specific reasons.
What are your gifts, talents?
What are your passions, obsessions…the ones that light you on fire?
When you do certain things, you radiate from within. What are these things?
Do you ever say these words to yourself?
I am alive.
When you say or acknowledge the words…I am alive…it is possible to light a small spark in your heart…a spark that begins to shine on your internal gifts…the gifts you were meant to share with your family, your friends, your loved ones, strangers, the world.
Let’s explore aspects of being, feeling, sensing we are alive…but first a centering prayer…
you, my little love, and the sun
light a candle, my dear one
light your soul on fire
find desire set within
to share your light, abundantly
with intention, abandon
signs of depletion, desolation
because your time to shine
loving grace is now
purposeful, giving gifts
green, lush mountain-scapes
blue as the wild ocean at night
windswept locks of hair
passionate burning heart
we are alive to care
for it is you and me
to offer, invite
the fair child to love
every day and night
What needs to be added, included in your day in order to feel like you are living, moving forward, making a difference, excelling in some way, sharing your gifts, your light with the world?
What activities, people, places generate in you a zest for life…a burning desire to do more, be more?
What are your non-negotiables?
Creating a list of non-negotiables allows you to hold yourself accountable, to feel you are making good use of each day, to stay centered, grounded, action-oriented, to fulfill your purpose – your God-given destiny.
A list made recently reads…
If my day does not include…
a walk outside
pointe shoes
full attention to family
…then I have not fully lived.
But how, you ask, do you know what your non-negotiables are? How do you know what causes you to feel alive?
Committing to silence and stillness…escaping distraction, noise, busyness, chaos…helps us learn what causes us to feel alive…
If we do not do this, can we say we are living a full, fulfilling life?
When I do ______ I feel alive.
When I do ______ I feel anxious.
When I do ______ I feel bad for having done it.
Repeat the following statement each day for one week…see what shifts for you…observe how this simple statement helps you change your feelings, actions, outcomes.
I will do ______ to feel alive.
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