I am INSPIRED - Intention Series
Feb 2025 ~ It's time to (re)connect to that which is inspiring...inside and out
Ask yourself…
Does it feel difficult to find something that inspires me?
Am I finding it difficult to feel creative, inspired by the beauty that surrounds me every day?
Do I feel stuck in a routine that offers little to inspire me throughout the day?
Am I overwhelmed by all the noise that surrounds my outer and inner worlds?
Am I disconnected from my inner voice, my inner wisdom?
If a “yes” popped up, follow along to find ways to reconnect to the inspiration that will breathe life back into your bones, your spirit.
I am inspired
I close my eyes and see all the colors of the rainbow. My ears are wide open as I hear the song of a bird, and the laughter of a child. With eyes open I see the same. I pick up my pen, my brush, my wand and create.
What luck, what good fortune. To live life fully, in Spirit, with butterflies and flowers flowing from my chest. All the beauty in the world also exists in me. Like all that exists in the Universe, I, too, am an inspired Being.
Welcome to the Intention Series ~ February 2025
February is often associated with love, but beyond romance, it’s a time to explore what truly inspires us—what makes our hearts and souls feel connected, creative, alive.
Inside this Edition of the Intention Series…i am inspired
Contemplation on Energy…what it feels like to be inspired…through exploration of poetry, personal inquiry, exercises to guide you toward your ability to sense, experience inspiration
Tools to enhance exploration of inspiration - Working with The Lovers and Magnolia Essential Oil
Meditation - (12 minute audio) Quietly settling in to experience “I am inspired” through breath awareness and visualization
Journaling Prompts - Five prompts to help guide you to feeling and finding your inspiration
The Energy of Inspiration
Consider the word - I N S P I R A T I O N - for a moment.
Maybe you’d like to close your eyes and take a couple of nice, gentle breaths…in and out.
When was the last time you truly felt inspired? What triggered this feeling…what was the exact object, person, timing, sensation, experience of inspiration?
Was it a beautiful image, a sweet voice or magical tune, the sight or scent of a flower, a loved one coming close, a dreamy meal?
Can you recall how engaged your senses were when you felt inspired? What senses were most captivated…sight, sound, smell, touch, taste?
When we are connected, excited,
I N S P I R E D…
chills arouse
tummy twirls
eyes wide open
running full steam ahead
breath full, focused, fierce
…our senses become engaged, the cells in our body become fueled with the energy from our senses through inspiration…
Perhaps this inspiration energizes us to create something, connect with someone, do something new, allows us to be taken deeply into the present moment…
Inside we feel enraptured, focused, found, fearless, from the…
Outside engagement, environment, wonder, art, awe
Our inner worlds become inspired
by our outer worlds.
Our outer worlds become inspired
by our inner worlds.
What does it take for you to be inspired?
This article, Clothed in Cathedrals, published earlier in the week, stirred my soul, touched my senses, excited me to my spiritual core…click here to read when you’re ready!
The photos are a feast for the eyes…awakening love, enchantment, desire.
The poetry is a balm for the soul…soothing, calming, invigorating the desire to create from deep within.
It was an unexpected excitement and trigger for me to create something beautiful of my own. I see such beauty in my mind, but have been lacking the drive, courage…I’m not sure what, exactly…to propel myself forward.
Can you relate?
What does it take for you to find inspiration, to feel the energy of that which inspires you, to propel you forward to create something, to change, to develop new and desirable habits?
the sky…it’s clouds, stars, rain, snow, the sun and moon
the ocean…it’s rhythm in sound and movement, inhabitants big and small, grains of sand, never ceasing waves, seashells on the shore, salt upon salt upon salt
blades of grass…their tenderness underfoot, vibrant shades of green
stained glass windows…with light hitting just right
the face of your fast-asleep child…cherub cheeks, dark brows and lashes, arms overhead, breath gentle and faint - so faint you have to touch their chest to confirm the rise and fall
body…as temple, earth, the cosmos in miniature form
What inspires you?!
Self-Guided Workshop: Tools for Experiencing…I am INSPIRED
Your Supports: A Tarot “Looking Session,” an Essential Oil, a Meditation, and Journaling Prompts
Tarot…image, symbol, connection to Spirit ✨
The Lovers card in tarot can represent connection, alignment, and of course…love.
The Lovers can serve as a reminder that inspiration is not something we wait for but something we cultivate, just as our…
connection to family, friends, nature, God,
alignment with purpose, nature, feeling, emotion, sensation,
love of…life…pursuit of freedom, happiness, joy, peace…our husband, wife, child(ren)…
…requires constant and consistent attention and cultivation.
What stands out to you most when you look at The Lovers card?
Do you feel a tug at your heart, your gut, your eyes, your ears…a sensation felt on the inside…when you gaze at this card or when you think of someone close to you, someone you love beyond measure? What is that sensation you feel, and where do you feel it in your body?
Who are the people in the card? Do they represent people in your world?
What part of this scene brings you closer to love, light, serenity, joy, delight…something else?
What type of love do you need in your life right now and who can give that love to you? (hint…it could be you need to gift yourself with a little self-love, a moment to enjoy and be inspired by all the love that surrounds you right now!)
Essential Oils ✨
Magnolia…the Mother oil…inspiring, opening our senses to that first love, the love of mother. First breath. Connection. Goddess. Grandmother. Ancestor wisdom. Blossoming, pure white. Deep green. Spirit rooted in the earth…Mother Earth.
Inhale…pure, radiant, white light
Exhale…deep, inspiring love and connection
Find yourself in a comfortable, cozy, resting position…in a safe, quiet, and still environment for this 12m 22sec meditation.
You may like to have something to write with and on for this meditation practice.
We begin with breath…
Breathe, inhaling with the words “I am" and exhaling with the word “inspired.”
Journaling Prompts
What activities make me feel most alive?
What one, simple thing can I do each day that will allow me to feel creative, inspired by what’s beautiful in my life? Either on paper or in your mind, describe this simple thing, allowing all of your senses to become engaged with the description.
Maybe you’d like to create a small vision board of inspiring images, quotes, colors that you can look at throughout the day.
What can I do to eliminate (or significantly decrease) the overwhelm and noise that surrounds my outer and inner worlds?
What inspiring action(s) can I pursue or complete that will reconnect me to my inner voice, my inner wisdom?
Where in my life do I need more harmony to feel inspired?
Final thoughts…
Thank you for being here!
It is such a great pleasure to be able to deliver to you these words, thoughts, ideas in the hope that they inspire you to reconnect to your soul, your creativity, that which you desire to make manifest in your daily life.
So…do you think you can create small, simple spiritual rituals—like a tarot card pull, or morning breath awareness or journaling practice to (re)invigorate your connection to spirit…to inspiration? Maybe you can start by listening to the “I am inspired” meditation once a week, to help you reconnect to your inner-inspired-self!
Let’s Connect
I invite you to get in touch if you’d like to share your thoughts or learn how to find your way towards an inspired, creative life through your own personalized yoga, meditation, tarot, and journaling practices. They consistently work for me and I’m confident you can find the very same practices equally as effective!
As a Substack subscriber you have access to discounts on private and group Yoga, Meditation, and “Looking” sessions (more on “looking” here and here), as well as Essential Oil samples and wholesale pricing!
Book a complimentary, 30-minute 1:1 consult call to learn more…
Know someone who would benefit from the ideas, insights, and practices shared here?