I fear
I fear
Into the future I peer
It’s not clear what I see
When I’m looking at me
Am I lost
Am I found
Am I free
Am I bound
I can’t tell what I see
But I’m looking for thee
I toss
I turn
I sweat
I scream
Running faster and faster
I wake from the dream
Only to find
I fear
I fear
Into the future I peer
Poem from Fear and Musings: A Journey from Anxiety to Peace.
Seeing the play on words
There are two ways to interpret the title of this article…The Generation of Fear.
The Generation of Fear…
how we create, cause-in-to-being, and carry forward our fear
a group of individuals in the world who are gripped by fear
Right now, both seem so applicable to the present, and worthy of a closer look.
Creation of Fear ~ Vibration…Energy
Picture it…Get into the vibe of “generation” as a form of creation and an output of something created…
Generation…like a motor…revving, churning, roaring
Generation…like the ocean…salt, waves, storms
Motor. Ocean. They never cease to generate motion.
And, what is motion? It is energy in the form of movement.
And, what vibrates? All things. All things vibrate.
Do atoms vibrate?
Do our bodies vibrate?
Do our emotions vibrate?
Do our thoughts vibrate?
You bet they do…unceasingly.
Considering the Generation and Vibration of Fear
Pause for a moment and consider how you physically and emotionally feel when
you are at peace, joyful, happy, elated
you are sad, overwhelmed, anxious, afraid
Can you find or experience the emotional, sensational, and physical qualities in your mind, body, and spirit when you feel any of the above ways?
When you feel anxious…your energy, your vibration is palpable. (And the same with joy…)
You may believe your anxiety is contained within and felt only by your own individual self, but it is actually felt outside yourself…because you vibrate in the state in which you think yourself and feel yourself into being.
All emotional, feeling states are felt by others…if they are tuned in to inner and outer vibration. And even when they aren’t, it’s still felt and experienced by that other person. They may not be aware of it, but it still affects them (positively or negatively).
Think of your cat or dog…who senses you are unhappy, or when they see (feel, sense) you crying. Your beloved pet comes to stay by your side, comforting you, sitting with you through your emotions…your vibrations.
The generation of fear, or any emotion…it is a vibration, an energy that may be obvious or subtle to your inner and outer worlds.
Individuals Afraid ~ Wandering the World in Fear
2020 generated a generation of fearful circumstances, environments, individuals.
Could we currently be living as and in one of the most fearful generations ever known to man?
No, probably not…but that does not negate the fact that life is scary…
As humans, we are in constant ebb and flow with the world and events that surround us.
However, it’s still our choice to succumb to our generation of fear or to succumb to our generation of peace, love, bliss.
While we may not feel like our feelings are within our control, if we press the pause button on life, on chaos, on the constant bombardment of all-the-things that stimulate us at any given moment, we can determine what we need to shift, alter, move in order to generate that which places us on safe, quiet, still ground.
Once we are still, if even for one breath, we can choose what to generate next.
Still Water…Still Mind
Have a look at the following three photos and pick your favorite…
Next, set a timer for 5-minutes and allow yourself to sit quietly and stare at the photo.
Maybe you’d like to journal for a few moments once you finish…some possible prompts for you to consider for this exercise…
How do I know when I’m generating an undesirable emotion or sensation? How do I typically bring this emotion or sensation into my awareness? What is my typical reaction when I become aware of negative feelings? Is this helpful? If not, what can I do differently?
What physical sensations in my body can I notice when I feel fear…peace…anger…joy? Where in my body do I feel these sensations?
What small thing can I shift in my life right now to ensure I only generate positive feelings for the rest of the day…or if the whole day feels like too much, for the next hour?
When was the last time I stilled my mind? How did that feel? If I can’t remember the last time, what was my experience of staring at the photo(s) above? What stirred or softened in me? What allowed me to pause and consider the image(s)? Did my eyes feel at ease, did my shoulders or jaw soften, did my hands relax, did my mind quiet?
Final thoughts…
Here’s what my Mac thesaurus gives us for generation…
Turns out I was spot-on with both explanations for generation…
the creating or causing of something
a group of people
This makes me feel good. Like I’m on to something here.
The generation of fear is just like the generation of any other emotion and accompanying sensations…peace and calm, happiness and love…
The trick is to make a different choice when you notice the creeping-in of fear or any other negative, undesirable feeling, emotion, or sensation.
And the hack for this trick, for me anyways, is to know my own body…through the practice of self-awareness, observation, calm contemplation…also known as YOGA!
If this seems out of touch or reach for you, please get in touch…because I’d love to help you master this “trick!”
Schedule a free 30-minute consult call right here!
Until we meet here again next week, consider…
A related topic and part of the fuel for my life’s work…my all-time favorite quote, by Einstein…
“Nothing happens until something moves.”
~ Albert Einstein
And after a little research, the World Wide Web says this sentence follows the one above:
“When something vibrates, the electrons of the entire universe resonate with it." ~ Albert Einstein
YIKES!!!! 🤯🤯🤯
What does this imply about desire and manifestation?!
Still Water, Still Mind…No Mud, No Lotus
The lotus cannot grow without mud.
We cannot find and appreciate a quiet, still mind unless we’ve first experienced an overactive, overwhelmed, chaotic mind.
How much sweeter is a feeling of relief after a period of unrest, burden, fear?
We have a great deal of unrest vibrating around us…like kindling, fuel for our fire of fear.
As the world seems to fall into a dumpster fire…remember…
Right now, I choose to generate love.
My entire being vibrates
with the energy of love.
I am love.
Until next week, dear friend…generate all the pease, love, and happiness possible!
xoxo Michelle
P.S. When you make a donation to Manna Foodbank, in Asheville, NC…I’ll send you a custom Meditative Mountains mini-artwork.
Western North Carolina will take years to rebuild what was lost in Hurricane Helene. Let’s help in all the big and small ways possible.
Then send me an email and we will coordinate the mailing of your Meditative Mountains!