Intuition is your innate ability to “know” something without the need to
“think” things through first.
Intuition is a connection to and reliance on things like your gut feeling, heart fluttering, or that little voice inside.
When you have developed a relationship with your intuition, you are better able to thrive in the chaotic, busy, noisy life that awaits you from morning to night. (Hint: It’s because you have become comfortable with the brief moments of silence and stillness required for receiving inner guidance from your intuition.)
When you are connected to your intuition you hold the sensations and feelings of peace, clarity, and empowerment with you at all times, and you know how to access them without much fuss or time required.
When you are connected to your intuition you can make decisions that align with your highest good, and the highest good of those in the world around you.
Your intuition wants to guide you with clarity and wisdom, but if you tune it out you miss the quiet, subtle messages sent to you from inside.
When life is noisy, busy, chaotic, and you can’t get yourself out of the natural, messy, distracted cycles, you miss the synchronicities that are meant to move you forward, the kismet, joyful moments that are meant to serve you in a special way.
As life on the outside becomes so loud, it’s very easy to lose touch with your inner voice, your gut feelings, those leaping flutters in your heart. Your mind becomes cluttered and the signals from your inner knowing become clouded, or worse, completely disconnected from you, from your awareness.
Losing touch with your intuition causes lots of problems, including: second-guessing yourself, feeling lost and uncertain, and struggling to make decisions.
Models for Emotion…Seeking Intuition
It’s possible you’ve heard of the acronym – HALT – which stands for
Over the years of teaching yoga, I’ve added a second “A” to create HAALT…the second “A” is for Anxiety.
Thinking through this model over the weekend led me to wonder if we mothers need a more specific model for the feelings we experience after our children are born…
…because the emotions and sensations I feel as a mother might, to some degree, include similar words, but they have a different tone and intensity from when I was a teenager or in my 20s.
The primary emotions I’ve felt as a mother include
Sensory overload
I haven’t really felt lonely – quite the exact opposite to be honest!
And I’ve felt not just tired but exhausted.
What about you? Is any of this ringing true for you? What emotions or feelings would you add to this list?
A Case for Cultivating Your Intuition
So, as I rework the HALT model to better fit the work I do to reconnect mamas to their intuition, I’ll use the following foundation to build us a new model…
When I am connected to my intuition, I know how to find and listen to it, I know what to ask and how to answer.
Listening to intuition requires and allows for a complete mind – body – spirit connection.
When you are connected to your intuition, you can ask yourself and answer for yourself the following questions…
What do I think? …..Mind
What do I need? …..Body
What do I know? …..Spirit
Final thoughts…
When you first learned you were pregnant, and throughout your pregnancy, what did you tell yourself you’d never do as a mother, and to or for your children?
As you’ve grown into your Mother Era…
How much of your time is spent being in noisy, busy, chaotic environments?
How much of your time is spent allowing for a few moments of silence, stillness, and serenity so you can ask yourself the important questions, and listen for the answers that bubble up from inside?
If you find yourself in need of some
quiet reflection
coaching and support for finding the necessary quiet space in your days
new ways to rekindle your connection to your intuition…
Consider joining my friend and colleague, Dee, and me for a 2-hour workshop where you’ll explore with us the magic in gentle movement and breathing, guided meditation, visual imagery, and journaling for stimulating and connecting to your intuition.
There are two ways to join…live via Zoom and/or on your own time with the recording of the live call.
Have questions? Ask me anything!
Until next week…
xoxo Michelle