settle in to the scene below…
what do you see?
what do the clouds, mountains, trees
represent to you?
what feelings, sensations arise when looking into this image?
as you look, engage your five senses
to know what decision you need to make next.
Opening the Senses to SEE
In order to…know…intuit…live…
we must look, in a meaningful way, on the outside…
and look, in a meaningful way, on the inside.
The time to look, seek, in a mindless, disconnected, scattered manner no longer exists for us - if we truly want to adapt, change, transform the way we feel, sense, and exist in the world.
When we seek validation, confirmation, acceptance, advice on the outside, we need to ensure we are seeking in a meaningful way…without attachment, clinging, or craving.
Our seeking, looking on the outside for guidance, direction, and support must come from non-attachment, from the willingness to look, see with open eyes and heart…all the Lord is wishing to share with us, as we walk our Hero’s Journey.
Divinely open and connected to the Source, we can look outside and inside with great confidence that…what we seek also seeks us.
By connecting to internal and external messages, we receive information through our senses…
sight…the flame from a candle, lighting us with a core passion
sound…the chirp of a cardinal, love and guidance from an ancestor
smell…the scent of a rose, softening and opening our heart to give generously
touch…freshly washed bedsheets, beckoning us to dream vividly
taste…mouth watering spices and sweets, inspiring in us a delight for a certain way of living
Our senses allow us to listen to subtle messages…on the inside…in order to know if the messages we are receiving, both inside and out, are aligned with our heart, soul, and purpose.
Our senses…
when attuned to our Spirit and
aligned with our core values…
through silence and stillness…
will show us the way.
Looking on the outside…
Symbols…in religion or spirituality, the natural world, tarot ~ these are physical ways of seeing
Elements…breeze, dirt, candle flame, ripple ~ these are ways of seeing through essence, Spirit
Looking on the inside…
Body…what are they telling us…heart, lungs, muscles, joints ~ the physical
Mind…what are we observing…thoughts, energy, emotion ~ the essence, Spirit
What does the world on the outside tell us? Are you looking?
Last weekend my daughter and I visited a favorite crystal vendor at our local farmer’s market. We purchased a little kitten good-luck bracelet and a “fancy jasper” that tells the most incredible story of the mountains…look…
After we left, I looked at the receipt and gasped! Here’s what it said…
We walked back to the vendor and showed her the receipt and she exclaimed, “What made you look at that receipt!?” I thought to myself…how could I not look at the receipt?!
The crystal coupled with the repeated ‘ones’ on the receipt tell me this stone was waiting for me to claim it. That the story in its mountains, clouds, the earth, the colors are here to inspire me to write…the stories, the words shared with me from Above.
You see…
There are messages, blessings, and information being sent to us from worlds, realms, heavens beyond the physical world in which we live. If we are trained to look, to see…we find the messages, blessings, and information we need as we walk our journey here on earth!
It’s one reason I schedule these emails to reach you at 11:11am! Because I never know who might be looking and in need of encouragement, support, blessings in having seen those magical numbers!
Because you never know when you need the messages that come from the repetition of “1”…you’re on track…a new beginning is here…you’ve reached the end and now your next journey is upon you…and so on. These are messages multiples of “1” offer us!
One day I’ll share with you the magical representation “2” has had for me since 12-22-21…I love you, Grandpa!
Angel numbers…Learn more about the magic in the numbers…here! And specifically on 1111…here!
What does the world on the inside tell us? Are you looking?
When we look on the outside our eyesight and ears can be enough to see. Engaging smell, touch, and taste add extra oomph to our looking…but seeing with the eyes can be enough to find what we need to know when looking outside.
Looking on the inside may require more…may require the engagement of more of our senses along with the physical systems (heart, lungs).
When was the last time you knew something, you felt that gut sensation that something was right or wrong…you just knew it?
In this instance you were able to look, to see because you were connected to your senses and internal systems (here, your gut) and you went with your feeling…without thought, you allowed your looking on the inside to give you the message you needed at that time.
This is such powerful stuff…powerful magic!
To connect to the senses that live on the inside of us, to quietly listen to the heart when it skips or the lungs when they feel shallow or expansive…
This is looking on the inside.
Looking on the outside
allows us to see on the inside.
Seeing on the inside
allows us to look on the outside.
Training the Senses: Look…what do you see?
Training the senses is a practice in developing awareness of what we are feeling, sensing at any given moment. This is done through a practice of settling into silence and stillness. As with any good practice, this takes time, patience, perseverance.
A practice in training the self to see the Self.
Look for the patterns…repetitions…habitual, conscious and unconscious, in symbols and thoughts, actions and inactions.
Seeing self…our personality, ego, body, our earthly being…the mortal parts of us give us connection to…
Self…our spirit, Godliness, Goddess…our connection to the divine, as divine Self…the immortal parts of us.
Pausing here…allowing silence and stillness to overcome your internal and external worlds…Ask…
What words are on repeat, what do I hear over and over? Accepting these words deep into my heart…what is the message they wish to convey to me?
What numbers do I see repeatedly? Paying attention allows me to know when I am on track, when angels and ancestors are walking with me…
What animals keep visiting me? What messages do these spirit guides wish to share with me?
What images rise up inside, in either a day-dream or dream state? How is the power of the dream ready to be made manifest through me?
Heart beating fast…Lungs tight and tense…Tummy swirling? What do I know on the inside to be true when I listen to what my heart, lungs, gut have to say?
Training the Senses to SEE. WHY?
What is the purpose of looking deeply…of seeing with your 5 senses?
When you know how you feel, through engaged looking with senses and systems, you know how to select safe environments to be in and how to move forward in any given moment. You know when to eat, rest, act.
When looking deeply, you are comfortable in silence and stillness – which are needed to see, sense, know.
From deeply looking, you know what’s going on within your body and how to care for it…you know how to calm your mind so you can move forward versus staying lost, stuck in the past.
Looking with a dear friend and colleague…
My dear friend, who lives across the pond, is a dream friend and colleague. We’ve been meeting monthly for more than three years to work, to share, and encourage each other to “look” to “see”…and, together, the meanings we find are so much deeper, so much more thrilling and telling…
We always walk away knowing what to do next as a result of our looking sessions!
And next month we are filming our call, which we’ve intentionally called a looking session, to work with self, emotions, words, image…to find meaning for forward movement…into the Self…better prepared to walk into a world of unknowns, because we have looked…outside and in.
We plan to share some of what was sensed, uncovered, seen from that session with you!
But if you’re intrigued now…
Visit the current offerings of our work together @ Essence of Breath Essence of Life
Final thoughts…
Moving into Spirit…one breath, one heartbeat, one sight, sound, sensation, touch, taste at a time.
Slowly and stilly we build the bridge from looking, to sensing and living…(w)holy and at peace, in the divine light of our Soul.
My dear,
I hope these words have offered you some peace and solace in your busy, noisy, chaotic day.
I hope you move forward, today and always, in a manner of looking deeply, outside and in, for the messages intended for you…opening up to your intuition…to the goodliness and Godliness in silence and stillness…to know what you need and what you need to do next!
Sending love and comfort in stillness to you always,
xoxo Michelle
P.S. Curious about looking and how adopting a practice of seeing in silence and stillness can work for you? For a limited time, you can book a free consult to discuss what a practice of seeing, silence, and stillness can offer you.
Book your 30-minute 1:1 Looking Session today! Your Spirit will thank you!