It’s decided…
Last week it dawned on me…January is meant for dreaming!
But not just a la-la-land, fantasy dreaming.
Dreaming…in an embodied sense. In the manner of, “These dreams that I see…feel at the core of my being…I’m claiming these dreams for my future. I can feel the manifestation of all I truly desire happening in me, around me, in the not so distant future!”
January is the perfect time for seeing dreams in a very concrete way and claiming them for your future self.
Some dreams may be easy to achieve while others may take months or years of sustained work.
This is where I am right now…
…walking on the “hard work for five more years” path.
I can see the future so clearly…my heart and Spirit are pulled so strongly to a very specific dream.
A dream where I can…
see, smell, and taste its reality,
hear the soothing sounds inside the space,
feel the calm, spacious presence of others…the textures of fabrics, papers, mats, cushions, crystals…
This dream…I want it. I DESIRE IT! And I believe it desires me, too!
Do you have a dream or desire you can literally feel deep inside your body?
Yes…dig in, really feel that dream vibrating its creative power inside! Work with the activities and prompts that follow!
No or Maybe…consider taking some quiet time to contemplate…practice breathing fully into your heart’s center with an awareness on the expansion of your chest and lungs…and ask…What is it I truly desire…
Resolutions: OUT! Embodied Dreams: IN!
A resolution at the beginning of a new year is a wonderful thing to have. But it doesn’t typically fuel us with the drive to make it stick, to provide the long-lasting change in patterns, habits, or behaviors we intend for it to do when we made the resolution on January 1st.
When you can feel, with your five senses or your intuition, something like a dream or a core desire, you have a stronger ability to make your dream or desire happen.
A power that rests at the core of your being comes alive in order for you to manifest or attract this thing that you so strongly desire.
It’s as though you can see it in your minds eye.
You can hear it calling you in silence and stillness.
You can touch it, taste it, smell it.
You desire it and it desires you!
It is your dream because the power that resides within you has the ability to make it come true!
Prompts…to engage your senses & embody your dreams
Settle in to a quiet, safe space where you can allow yourself a few minutes to see your dreams, sense your desires.
As you approach this practice through the prompts below, say to yourself…
“I feel my dreams, my desires, with my entire mind, body, and soul. I connect to all I desire through my senses. Dreams, come to me now, show me what I truly desire.”
You may like to take a few slow, gentle breaths to center your mind and body.
When you close your eyes…
What are the colors you see? Are you transported to another land…mountains, ocean, island villa, Swiss chalet… Are you in a dream space, be it a home, a vacation, a business, in service, or an automobile?
Who is with you, around you? Humans, creatures…not a single soul… What is the environment like? Peaceful, energetically stimulating, quiet, full of life…
What sounds surround you? Birds, waves, breeze, rain, sounds of a city or a shop…
What scents are in the air? Earth after a rain, salty sea, camp-fire, spices from an exotic vacation meal…
What do you touch…feel with your hands, feet, whole body? Luxurious fabrics, clothing, bed sheets…sand, grass, rocks…warm hugs…fur of sweet creatures…
What can you taste in your dream? Something cold or hot…soft or spicy… Flavors that excite you, that engage your Spirit in a delightful, soulful dance from your tastebuds to your tummy.
Writing down your dreams
Turning whimsical whispers into colorful creations you can experience through your five senses…an embodied dream in essence brought into this Earthly realm…into your physical reality…by you and you alone.
Write the words that form a written picture of your dreams and desires on beautiful paper, in a cherished journal, on your laptop. Free writing. No editing. Let the dream come forward on the paper before you…making it known to you, from its essence in dream form to the physical through pen and paper.
Use pens, pencils, markers, paints in colors that evoke a sense of joy, happiness, expansion, excitement in your heart, at the core of your body. Colors that allow you to feel this dream or desire through your senses of sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste.
Gather up magazines and clip images, photos, words that represent your dreams and desires and paste them into a collage.
Find washi tapes and stickers to help design and decorate your dream pages.
Build a dream altar…placing your creations, your tokens of dreaming, desiring power here…allow this visual representation of your dream to serve as a constant reminder that…
This dream is mine and mine alone.
This dream has been sent to me from the Divine Heavens above.
My heart leaps at the
sights, sounds, scents, touches and tastes
of this desire.
It is mine…
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Final thoughts…
With dreams acknowledged and senses engaged, your power comes to life.
When you center yourself on a deep knowing from your core, your intuition, your heart, you have access to a world of dreams, access to all that your soul desires…and that also desires you.
Living in a loud, chaotic world can make it difficult to listen to your body and engage your senses.
Environments don’t always encourage us to know our deep desires, or understand what our dreams are telling us…both the dreams that visit us in our sleep, and the dreams that, while awake, whisper to us from deep within.
The dreams you have cannot express themselves without your unique abilities and power.
Your body is the universe that holds your dreams, and your dreams are aching to be born through you, in partnership with you…for your joy and for the betterment of the world.
Cultivate your awareness through movement and a quiet stillness - in meditation, contemplation, prayer.
With a quiet mind and a resolve to bring awareness to your dreams and desires your world begins to change shape and size, form and function.
With a quiet mind and a resolve to bring awareness to your body and the sensations you experience from within, you begin to change…you become your one true self…fueled by the burning fire of desire in your heart.
So, instead of setting resolutions…become resolved in writing down your dreams…and going after them with your whole heart and soul…with all your senses, as an embodied being whose dreams and desires are desiring you right back!
xoxo love always, Michelle