Welcome to the Moving into Spirit Podcast - Episode #22
Hello! Thanks so much for being here…for pausing in your busy day…for listening when the noisy world that surrounds you doesn’t stop.
In this episode you will get to…
listen to words from the February 2024 edition of Magnificat on Saint Catherine of Siena,
consider where in your life you are desiring to grow in fortitude, silence, stillness, peacefulness, joy, or something else,
quietly center, on your heart-space, through breath awareness,
notice where the breath enters and moves through the body and the path it takes as it exits the body through the exhale, and
ask yourself…What do I desire at my heart's core?
Grab your pen and paper (or laptop or iPad)…Place yourself in a quiet, safe, still space for the next 13 minutes and allow yourself to listen, through the noise of the moment, to what your heart wants you to hear.
Enjoy…and much love to you, always!
xoxo Michelle
P.S. Tell me how it’s going! Send an email anytime…here!
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