Sitemap - 2024 - The Elk Mountain Well by Michelle Crider

Effort & Ease

Holy Smokes! How is it New Year’s Planning Time Again!

What Are You Avoiding?

Praying...With Breath

A Veiled Threshold

The Generation of Fear

Is it all too much?

Helping Asheville & WNC 💔

What if...?!

How to Build Meditation into Each Day

Why be Creative?

What is Intuition?

Oops! A Code Not Working!

The Making of a Life Worth Living

Tools of Transformation

Create a Practice with Intention

A Summer of Inconveniences and Delight

The Present is Now...Here's How to Enjoy It!

Be...In this Present Moment

I am ENERGIZED - Intention Series

May 2024: Energized

The Fullness of Spring

I am CONTENT - Intention Series

Practice: On Igniting Your Creativity

Celebrating Poetry Month with Fear & Musings!

Meditation: Causing Contentment

April 2024: Contentment...a feeling and choice

Poetry Reading - Liminal Time

Liminal Time

I am MINDFUL - Intention Series

Meditation: A Quiet Offering of Thanks

A Silent Thanks

Practice: Child's Pose & Sunbird

Notes on Child's Pose

March 2024: A Mindful Transformation

Meditation: On Moving Forward

My Meditation Cushion

Meditation: A Practice in "Looking"

How to Find Meaning in “Looking”

I am Alive - Intention Series

Meditation: Heart-Centered Giving

Generosity, Gratitude & Grace

Meditation: Settling into Stillness

Settling v. Slipping into Patterns

Meditation: Listening Through the Noise for Your Heart's Desire

February 2024: Alive + Well

I'm Chucking My Apple Watch ⌚️

Practice: Training Your Body to Dream

Writing Down the Dreams

Practice: Bringing Awareness to Freedom and Tension

I am FREE - Intention Series

Practice: Finding Your Opposites & Developing Interoceptive Awareness

Finding the Opposite

Guided Meditation: Embodied Housekeeping

January 2024: A Journey to Freedom

Happy New Year 🎊